What’s Up Zo? #5: Calm Before the Storm

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So much is happening!!! Friends are having weddings. I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed. Apartment hunting. Transitioning out of my current job. Preparing all of the other million things that I need to prepare for grad school… I technically have time to get everything done but “crunch time” is definitely getting closer. The biggest thing is definitely the apartment hunting. Once I get that done things will hopefully start falling into place.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s possible to get everything done especially as time continues to tick away. Despite the oncoming stress, though, I’m definitely excited for grad school!


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What’s Up Zo? #4: Better Days

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The world is really messed up and broken. Sometimes I’m more surprised when the local news station doesn’t have a story to report about someone in my city being shot or killed. However, just as I should make sure that I’m not desensitized to the deaths of people being senselessly killed in my city and country as well as in many other places across the world, I need to make sure that I remember the things that I should be thankful for as well. Continue reading